
Welcome to the Green Enterprise Community, a not-for-profit community of people who share a green ethos, working together in a supportive, creative and collaborative way to help each other build green enterprises.



Activities include: speaker events, creative workshops, opportunities to provide and receive mentoring, and a website to help build connections.

 Members include:

  • Individuals interested in developing a green idea
  • Entrepreneurs running established and successful green businesses,
  • Green champions in larger companies,
  • Professional service providers and others that actively support the green ethos.

 Our members benefit from sharing their collective talents and expertise, from meeting and learning from inspiring green enterprises or relevant experts and from structured opportunities to build collaborations around new green enterprises.

 We are supported by a number of organisations that actively support the green ethos and wish to raise their profile with like minded potential customers, employees, volunteers and investors. 


We are not running regular meetings at present, but please contact newmembers (at) green-enterprise.org if you would like to get in touch 



"A refreshing approach to environmental responsibility and commercial opportunity"


"Friendly, supportive and down to earth"


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