User Guidelines

Members of the green Enterprise community are expected to behave in a way that will help develop a supportive, creative and collaborative community for the benefit of all.
The information you provide on this site is your responsibility, but should be focussed on green enterprise. Be open about the skills and talents you can offer, and things you think may be of interest to others, but if you are so tiresomely self promoting you annoy other members, or post objectionable material you will be asked to leave us or banned.
The adminstrators aim to keep the site clear of objectionable material, so if you notice anything inappropriate, please inform us as soon as possible.
We will only use your data to contact you in relation to green enterprise, and won't pass it onto 3rd parties. We will try to keep it secure but cannot be held responsible if it is lost through system crash or hackers.  You may therefore want to keep your own backup of important postings.
Posting your profile
When you have registered an account and been approved by the administrators, you will appear automatically on the list of members.  The administrators will assume that you wish to be an individual member unless it is obvious (eg from the username you choose) that you wish to be an organisational member, or you tell us.  Do then go to "my account" to post information for your profile so others can see what you are interested in.
To do this, go to "my account" then clic on the "edit" tag, then click on the "personal information" tag.  You can then enter your profile and upload a photo. (Note that the software gets upset if you try to cut and paste this text in from a word document, so its better just type it in direct)
Feel free to blog too if you wish.   Note that only individual members can blog, twitter etc, (not organisational members) because this is a community of people, not faceless organisations.
How To pages are here

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